After Edward said his final goodbye to Bella, her life changed drastically. She instantly became a whole new person, but definitely not for the better. She no longer smiled, never laughed, and avoided any type of contact with people as much as possible. This sudden change affected not only her but also everyone around her. Charlie, her dad, became extremely worried and her friends didn't know what to do with her. She spent as much time as she possible could alone, trying desperately to shut herself off from the world. Even though her friends refused to accept the new Bella, I personally don't blame her for acting this way. It's not like she can control it, and after suffering such a sudden stab to the heart, I too would act this way. At this point I thought it seemed almost impossible for anything positive to come out of this, but as soon as I continued to read I was proved wrong. Charlie eventually became so worried about Bella that he finally couldn't take it anymore. He simply couldn't stand watching his daughter suffer every day like this, so he built up the courage and insisted she go out and have fun. Naturally, Bella instantly rejected this idea as soon as it came out of Charlie's mouth. After a long heated argument, Charlie ended up getting his way and persuaded Bella to go visit Jacob Black for the day. Jacob is a freshman that lives down on the Indian reservation La Push, who's known Bella since they were born. I personally think that seeing one of her oldest friends and spending a little time with him will be good for her. Although I do completely understand where her sadness and never ending desire to be alone is coming from, I also think she needs some time back in the real world if she ever wants to recover. Reflecting back on my first blog entry, I've noticed how the overall mood of the story so far continues to be really depressing and negative.
El Fin
15 years ago
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