Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fat Kid Rules the World

I have just started this book called Fat Kid Rules the World. I read up until chapter six, learning a lot about the main character. His name is Troy Billings, and he lives in New York City. The book opens with a pretty tragic scene, Troy is attempting suicide. He is standing at a subway station thinking deeply about life, and right when he was about to jump he hears some voice behind him talking. He realizes they are talking to him and turns around. He sees a filthy, extremely thin boy about his age. After introducing themselves, Troy realizes he knows this boy. His name is Curt MaCrae, the school famous drop out druggie. He is known all through out the school as the kid who gets in daily fights, gets invited to all of the local band's parties, does drugs, and is homeless. He tells Troy to since he "saved his life", he owes him lunch. Troy knows that Curt most definately did not save his life, only briefly distracted him, but on the other hand would never turn down the chance at making a friend. Troy is obese and severly depressed because of it. He gets mocked on a daily basis for everything he does, and really doesn't know the point of living any more.

1 comment:

Kiltie said...

That sounds really intense, but pretty interesting!